It seems like just yesterday that we met. Who knew that just four years after meeting that we would be planning our wedding! (Time sure does fly when you're spending it with the person of your dreams!) We're so excited to start this next chapter in our life ....

He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD. -Proverbs 18:22

The Love Story

Where do we start? How about the day we met. We can go back and forth all day about what our first encounter was like (of course, mine is accurate) so we'll make this long story short.

We met in January of 2011 at the bank, yes the bank, where he was working. I was in a hurry and needed to stop by the bank for a quick errand. As I walked thru the doors and was observing my surroundings my eyes did a quick halt when I saw him. My first thought "Hmmm, who is this guy?!" As much as I was in and out of that bank I had never saw him before. Needless to say I liked what I saw. 

I walked up to the line behind other customers waiting to be serviced all the while praying that he would be the representative to help me. And to my luck he was!  While completing my transaction he kept trying to make small talk and side conversations with me (I think that may have been his way of trying to professionally flirt on the job). After I was done I thanked him and left.

A few days later after looking him up on Facebook to see what this guy was about I received a message from him telling me he remembered me from coming in the bank and gave me his telephone number to call him sometime (I still have that same message saved that he sent me). And I guess as the old saying goes "the rest is history." We've been inseparable ever since! 

Is he the one? Absolutely. Does he make me happier than I ever imagined I could be? Absolutely. Does he still make my heart skip a beat? Absolutely.  Am I excited to start this new chapter of marriage in my life? Absolutely!